Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Brazen Bull Inside Her

Her blood was boiling,
her flesh was boiling,
her soul was boiling.

The only release
she felt
was through her veins.

The only way
to stop the boiling
was by cutting her wrists
over and over again
with a dull knife.

The only way
to forget the searing pain
was by choking
on pills.

The only way
to be happy
was to die,
leave her kids,
her family,
her life

The only release
for her family
was to peel away
the layers of pain
from their lives.

They could not
let this happen.

They, too,
jumped in the burning agony,
not out of desperation,
but to relate,
to boil
with her
and find a way
to extinguish
the flames
that burns their home.

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