Saturday, October 22, 2016

Quija: Origin Of Evil

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Possessing lil girls seems to be the way to go if  you want to scare the shit out of people. At the same time, it's played the fuck out. There's gotta be a better thing for demons to possess. Definitely not dolls nor buttholes. How about our phones? We are obsessed with them. They practically run our lives. Just an idea. That's where I saw an ad for Ouija:Origin of Evil a couple of months ago. I saw that lil girl's white eyes and I knew she could crush my pathetic scared shitless soul into a bloody pulp. And she did. But honestly only a couple of times. They could've done so much more with her. There was soooo much potential. They must have not wanted to fully unleash her evil, until the sequel? I have no fucking clue why, but it's like come on. The story was not that original and there wasn't too much gore. It was just her and she kicked ass when she was possessed. I just wanted more of it. I, however, did like the effects and the way they did her voice and eyes and mouth. I also liked how it was a bit insane. It was also definitely better than any of those other Ouija board movies. Those were just plain awful. Now, how would I rate it among other possessed movies? Say like again the Exorcist or Slither? Well, they both are 10 and this motherfucker is a 5. There I said it. Now go and watch a horror movie for fuck sakes! It's Halloween!

Best quote: "Looks like something that fell off my dick during the war."

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