Friday, October 23, 2009

Mirror of Fear

FEAR. It eats away at us all. It destroys every bit of hope that is left in this blue heaven. It controls the lives of the weak that think homosexuals, people of color, the homeless, anybody that is different from what they are, should all be skinned alive and thrown in an unmarked grave while still breathing.
It's a crying shame people can think so closed minded. Their hatred, their fear is just a mirror reflecting their ugliness. How cruel and cold this world can be. I mean, we all judge, even if we say we don't, that's bullshit it just happens. It's natural, but that does not mean we shouldn't be open and accepting of EVERYONE regardless of their differences.
I say this because some of you might judge me or fear for my sanity because of the fucked up, twisted movies I watch. I like disturbing movies no one in their right mind should ever watch. I don't know what it is, but I'm fascinated by all of the things that are wrong with this angelic world. That is why for my next review I'm going to watch a movie called "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls." This movie is definitely not for everyone, but I will view it for those who only choose to watch family flicks and children's cartoons. Consider my curiosity a favor.
In case you were wondering it's a movie about "the gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a 19 year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute named Angela Aberdeen; as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations." Wow! That's what's in store for me? This movie sounds like a rainbow floating in the sky on a clear, sunny day. Speaking of which, here's another one of my poems:

Graveyard Birthdays

Your birthdays
come and go, but you
are long
beneath the sun
sleeping side by side
with your new found friends,

Every summer
the family gathers
to pay a visit to you
and your friends.
We drink green beer,
make fun of you,
and use our tears
to clean your grave,
but the celebration ends.

A burning wind drifts by,
sweet suicidal thoughts
stir my restless soul,
but I can't do much,
I am a worthless coward,
a deformed pussy.
All I can do
drink the pain
and utter those dead, useless words
"Happy Birthday."

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